
Friday Funnies

CJ’s Father’s Day Book List

Jun 7 2017 5:30 am

​For your dad (or for your own reading pleasure) here are a few of CJ’s recent favorites: Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder... Read More ›

Grace That Leads Me Home

May 24 2017 3:04 pm

My grandma likes to tell about the time my dad, a little boy of five at the time, wandered away from the house and out onto a busy street.... Read More ›

Summer: Season of Opportunity

May 17 2017 8:59 am

Summer was always my favorite season as a little girl, and I ran headlong into those glorious months free from school with all the energy I possessed. So now,... Read More ›

Who Is Looking Out for Mom?

May 10 2017 9:40 am

When my youngest daughter Sophie first came into our home at the age of three, she, like every toddler, wanted my constant attention. If I wasn’t looking at her,... Read More ›

Don’t Let Your Limitations Stop You

May 3 2017 6:57 am

We all have limitations. A condition of limited ability; a defect or failing. Our particular limitations could be a lack of time, money, energy, ability, or experience; or the... Read More ›

A Picture and A Prayer

Apr 26 2017 5:41 am

Whenever I attempt to decorate a room, create a centerpiece, or fill the planters on my front porch, I try to find a picture that I can replicate. I’m... Read More ›

Four Women Who Worked Hard

Apr 19 2017 5:45 am

The greeting sections of New Testament epistles fire my curiosity. We are given tantalizing morsels of information, hardly the full back-story. But if we look at these verses like... Read More ›

What God Does With Failures

Apr 12 2017 5:35 am

When I prepare a message to speak (which I did this past month), I always create two documents. The one document is the message itself, and the other is... Read More ›

“The Snare of Compare” Refresh

Mar 29 2017 4:38 am

It happens when we walk into a room. We compare. We mentally measure our beauty, status, talents, or situation against the other women present. If the numbers come out... Read More ›

A Case of Mommy Guilt

Mar 22 2017 5:25 am

The other night my husband and I sat with our children and watched home videos until long past bedtime. We laughed at how our youngest daughter used to be... Read More ›

The God Who Looks After You

Mar 15 2017 7:15 am

I was reading along with my “Read the Bible in a Year” plan the other day and found myself in Genesis 16. (Please don’t do the math on this,... Read More ›

Words of Hope for Weary Moms

Feb 22 2017 7:11 am

My third child and only son is six years old, and this mom is tired. While his intense and vivacious personality makes me laugh almost every day, those same... Read More ›

Surviving the Winter Blues

Feb 15 2017 6:50 am

It’s February in Louisville, and we haven’t seen the sun for more than ten minutes all winter. The air is wet and cold, the kids are sniffly, and it’s... Read More ›

Why It’s Worth It

Feb 10 2017 8:16 am

To all of you who sent encouraging messages about us restarting girltalk, thank you! We have been so blessed to hear from you, and we’re excited to get started... Read More ›

New Year, New Content

Feb 7 2017 8:02 am

After almost a year hiatus—which sounds a whole lot more restful than it was—we’re excited to re-start the conversation here at girltalk. We never meant to stop, actually. What... Read More ›