Someone’s started smiling!
Thanks to all who made our Friday Funnies contest a great success! Today you get to enjoy a story from Sarah, the first of our two winners. There will be many more to come over the next few months.
A few days ago my almost 5 year old, Sam was getting a bit too bossy with his 3 year old sister, Selah. Trying to keep it light I asked him, “Sam, who died and made you the boss?” His reply, “Jesus.” We’re working on the rest of his theology!
This whole caterpillar by mail thing is kinda freaking me out.
Hey All, We thought you’d love to know about this great Mahaney Sports interview with PGA Tour golfer Webb Simpson. We previously blogged about him and his lovely wife, Dowd, here. This would be a wonderful interview to listen to and discuss as a family. Webb is a godly man who is passionate and deliberate about glorifying God in on the course—in wins and losses—and as a Christian husband and father. So enjoy and check back at Mahaney Sports next week for part two.
Also, only a few more hours remaining in our 52home Mother’s Day Sale, so don’t delay!
Where does the time go?
The zoo with these crazies today. Tons of fun!
Happy Monday morning! First of all, thank you to everyone who entered our contest last week. Y’all have buried us in Friday Funnies. We haven’t even had time to read them all yet, but be prepared to laugh for many weeks to come. We’ll announce the first winner of a free copy of Cassie & Caleb: Discover God’s Wonderful Design this Friday.
Yesterday our favorite preacher gave a great message on contentment. Dad reminded us that : “God is good even when your circumstances are not. The Apostle Paul learned contentment because he gave attention to his relationship with God not to his circumstances.” This one will be going on the repeat setting on my iPod.
Finally, this Wednesday, May 1st is the final day to order from 52home for Mother’s Day and get guaranteed delivery in time for the big day. See you all tomorrow!