Filed under 52homeThis corner in my kitchen appears to be the new home to a very unwelcome house guest. The war is on!
This corner in my kitchen appears to be the new home to a very unwelcome house guest. The war is on!
Today we have a giveaway for moms (or grandmas, aunts, teachers or friends) of young boys and girls. Thanks to our friends at Moody Publishers, I have two copies of a wonderful looking new children’s book by Susan Hunt and her son Richie Hunt called “Cassie & Caleb: Discover God’s Wonderful Design.”
This is a unique book that uses colorful pictures and interesting stories to teach children about the gospel, and about how they are called to bring glory to their Creator. As the authors state in the preface, “We must intentionally teach the magnificence of God’s gender design or by default our children will absorb the lie of the enemy of our—and their—souls.” Susan and Richie Hunt have set the entire book in the context of the gospel, and they have made it attractive and appealing for young children.
I have only had a chance to skim this book but I was excited by what I read and eager to go through this with my children. This book fills a much needed gap, using relatable stories to help children both delight in God’s design, to love the gospel, and to encourage them to obey.
So, here’s what we’re thinking. We haven’t done Friday Funnies in a while. So SEND US a funny story about your son or daughter (or a kid you know!) and we’ll choose two winners to receive a free copy of this new book. Deadline to enter is tomorrow (Friday night) at midnight.
Love Worn
Thanks to so many of you who sent in thoughts about their mom for our Mother’s Day contest. We look forward to sharing our favorites with you real soon.
And thanks also for your strong response to our recent series reminding all of us not to neglect our pastors teaching. Writing and thinking about the grace we receive through preaching has made me more grateful than ever for my pastors and each sermon I have the privilege to sit under. We hope your pastor felt your encouragement as well.
We have at least two more “timely cautions” that we can’t wait to talk about, but we are going to push them off for a few weeks because we are finishing up a big project that we’re excited to tell you about soon. These particular “cautions” are so important to us that we want to give them careful thought as we share them with you. So we’ll still be blogging regularly but our content will be on the fun and lighter side for the next few weeks. We hope you’ll enjoy your Spring with us!
Yes, I have been known to eat vegetables.
This little man. He keeps me laughing.
Just a reminder that Mother’s Day is around the corner and the 52home store order deadline for guaranteed delivery before the big day is May 1st. Don’t forget to enter the code MOM at checkout to receive 10% off your entire order.
Bug hunting. It’s all the rage right now.
With warmer weather on the way I start anticipating one of my favorite outdoor activities—reading. On summer evenings, Steve and I love to sit in our old and uncomfortable deck chairs on our little back porch and read together for an hour or so while the sun sets. I can hardly wait for those days to come and I’m already thinking about what books I want to read this summer. Here are two new books that I highly recommend you put on your summer reading list, from two great friends and outstanding authors:
I have already read most of this book and love it! Easy to read, insightful, and just plain helpful. Not only does Jamieson help us think rightly about doctrine but shows us how it works out in the life of our local church.
“Scripture is for sound doctrine, sound doctrine is for real life, and real life is for real church growth. So says Jamieson, and he hits the nail on the head brilliantly every time.”
—J. I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College
“Think doctrine is at least impractical—at worst, loveless? Give this author a few minutes to help you reconsider this. Well-written, precise, provocative, and practical—Jamieson has produced a jewel.”
—Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington DC; President, 9Marks
No one I’ve ever read brings biblical stories to life with such beauty and accuracy. I love to read what Jon Bloom writes each Friday at Desiring God and I save and reread his articles often. Eager to slowly make my way through this book.
“Forgetfulness and familiarity. Faith is often plagued by these twin faults. We easily forget what we know about who God is and what he’s done for us in Jesus Christ. When we turn to Scripture for help, our familiarity dulls the wonder in the splendid story of God’s mercy to mere men. We need to be reminded of the old stories of Scripture, that they might irrigate our parched souls and ignite our faith. In Not By Sight, my friend Jon Bloom shatters our familiarity with the Bible by helping us see afresh how the drama of Scripture unfolds in the gritty reality of human experience and how those stores are infused with grace as they fit into the greatest story: God’s plan to save sinners by his Son. Do you need to be reminded of what you already know? Do you need to be shaken from your familiarity? Jon’s fresh tellings of the old tales will help you recover surprise and delight in the stories of Scripture.”
—C.J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville